måndag 4 juli 2011

Refinancing Only Your Second Mortgage

Question: I would like for you to advise whether I should refinance my entire loan to pay off my credit card debts of about $70K. Our credit scores are in their low 6’s and we have two mortgage lates within the past 24 months. What is my best option per your expertise on what we should do?Ken Go: After fully analyzing the client’s current loan situation. Their first mortgage rates are in the mid 5’s and it is a 5 year fixed rate mortgage that they have only been in for one year and a half. Their second mortgage rate is at 8.5%. Due to the mortgage lates their credit scores have gone down between 20-50 points between the three bureaus’. They needed to get rid of the credit card payments because the average interest rates on those cards are about 12.5%. I suggested for them to refinance just the second mortgage, the rates was higher than their initial rates by about 2% but they will have paid off all their credit card debts. They now can write off more interest deduction on their taxes, their payments were reduced by about $1500.00 due to us eliminating the credit debts. Now, they have more flexibility to concentrate on paying their mortgages on a timely manner.

Thank you so much for your inquiries, I enjoy very much giving advice and helping our readers obtain better financing. Please call or write to kennethgo

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