måndag 4 juli 2011

Loan Mod Scams and New Incentives for Short Sale

Another falls for A Loan Modification scam and see how the Obama Administration is trying to keep defaulting owners in their homes.

Caller: Dear Ken, I just recently read your article about loans being in a Negative Amortization Adjustable Mortgage. I am so depress and don’t know what to do, my husband passed on and I am handling our finances by myself with two children in college. I went to a Loan Mod Company and paid them $ 3000.00 to modify my loan. I was told specifically to stop my mortgage payments and now I am 6 months behind my payments. I then was told to Short Sale my property thru the same company, because they claim that I don’t qualify for the Loan Mod. I cant sleep at night and I really am very depress and don’t know what to do.

Ken Go: For my readers, this is the first time I have had a caller sound like this, from the time I heard her voice I knew she was completely devastated. I was having diner and immediately move to another room to speak with her. This is her situation, she has a “Pick-A-Payment” Loan with a minimum payment of about $800.00 a month payment, her property is not upside down but has very little equity. She lives in a descent area that I am sure will recover faster than other cities. She is currently still working but has concerns about her mortgage recasting (adjusting) to a higher payment next year. She is also worried about her job security now. I told her that if she would have called me last year, I would have told her to keep her money and keep paying the $ 800.00 a month for now. Per advise of the Loan Modification Company, they wanted her to list the property for sale with them ( to line up more money in their own pocket if you ask me ) and if she listened to the Loan Mod company and short sales her property, she still has to pay around 1200-1400 for a two bedroom apartment. So, why sell right? My take on this is that the Loan Modification Company wants to short sale to make another commission. Not caring about what happens to the homeowners. I told her not to talk to the Loan Mod Company and gave her the name, number and address to :

Call State consumer protection agency 800-952-5225 –
You have to call FTC – to complain by phone or internet and then call Ca. State consumer protection to take action.

File a complain in writing detailing your situation with all name and company names to :

Office of the attorney general – public inquiry unit
PO Box 944255
Sacramento CA 94244 –

Shortcut to: https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/

To file a complain and I gave her the number to her lenders Presidents Office to complain and ask for help.

Her two children will be graduating this year and I told her to sit them down and tell her about the financial trouble she is in. I told her to continue to payments and make arrangement with her lender to continue the loan. Because she has till next year before the loan will actually recast or adjust, for now that payment is affordable. By next year her children are both graduating and hopefully will be able to help make the mortgage payments.

Even if the adjusted Mortgage payments will be around $ 1600 a month, that should be affordable for a three income family. With the market condition now a days, she will have a nice size equity in 5-7 years and then hopefully can sell and retire.

This is a case of real abuse where as the Loan Mod company saw an opportunity to take money from this person who might not be too sophisticated or familiar with their own financial situation. Mainly due to her husband passing who was the main financial person of the household.

The crooks in this situation probably wants the property for themselves and will have no mercy or conscience in kicking these hardworking family from their home for many years, which is not underwater and has a minimum payment of $ 800.00.

Lesson learned, don’t stop paying your mortgage unless you are certain that by doing that it actually helps and not puts you in a worse situation

The Obama Administration in an effort to end the foreclosure crisis has a new approach: “Paying some of the them to leave”. This is latest program, which will allow owners to sells for less than what they owe and will them a little incentive to speed up the process. Now, there are more than five Million households behind on their mortgages and risk foreclosure. Come this April 15th, a program could encourage hundreds of thousands of delinquent borrowers who have not been rescued by the loan modification program to sell their houses through a process called Short Sale. Lenders will be compelled to accept the arrangement, forgiving the difference between market price and amount owed. “We want to streamline and standardize the short sale process to make it much easier on the borrower and much easier on the lender,” said Seth Wheeler, a Treasury Senior Advisor.

This process will allow the borrowers to suffer less damaging credit remarks and ratings. And as part of the transaction, they will get the lender’s assurance that they will not later be sued for the unpaid mortgage balance.

I will look into this new program and will be discussing about Mortgage Deficiency next week. Seems like there is a new fear amongs homeowners being foreclosed on. Which is will the lenders have the right to go after the deficiency balance even after Foreclosures? Some experts says yes and I will discuss that next week.

Thanks so much for your support, please call Ken Go of 1st Innovative Finance for your loan questions or modification or short Sale inquiries. Call Ken at 562-697-7028 or write to: kennethgo

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