tisdag 5 juli 2011

Pay No Closing Costs for Refinancing

Advantages of a no closing cost loan

If you hear the term "Absolutely No Closing Cost," you would assume that there are no closing costs (lender, escrow and title) involved in the loan. But actually this is really just a creative way of marketing or selling this type of loan. Is there really a absolutely no closing cost loan?

No, there is none, because when you buy or refinance your loan mortgage brokers and lenders have to make a living. And if they don’t charge you anything, that is not because they are doing it for “free.” They need to get compensated and they charge it to you one way or the other. Typically, they will charge you a slightly higher rate, maybe .250-.500% higher than the best prevailing rate. The higher rate will cover for all the closing cost that the Mortgage brokers needs to pay for.

This doesn’t mean, though, that this kind of program is not beneficial for you. Actually, I always recommend this loan especially for those who have just paid closing cost to purchase their home or refinance their home. This is to avoid paying closing cost over and over again, wasting all that cash on closing costs that could have added to your equity.

Plus, if you do not pay any closing costs, then you can keep refinancing and refinancing without decreasing the equity of your home. Of course, not every borrower is eligible for this no-closing-cost program. Normally, to be able to lower your rate by .500% without having to pay any cost, potential candidates have to have a loan amount of over $200k.

You always have to consider how many times you have refinanced in the past and figure out how much you have paid already. In the past two years, we have numerous clients that have refinanced their loans even only reducing it by less than .50%. Why did they do it? Because there is absolutely no cost involved and if your loan balance is over $400K that could be almost $100 difference in the payment every month, without any cost.

I always recommend that if you are to refinance your loan, do it sooner and try to get a more stable loan to avoid having to start your loan over again. Why right away? If you think you will have to refinance, that means that the payments you made to your existing loan are all gone and you will have to start over again. For example, if you have a 2 year fixed rate loan, you know that this is a temporary loan, why not do it right away to avoid paying any more payments to your current lender? If you had paid 12 payments and have to refinance to a new loan, that means you had paid a total of 31 years after all is said and done. I am sure a lot of you are starting loans over and over again for many reasons, but these rates have stayed low for you to take advantage of, so grab it while you can.

If you have a lot of equity and feel that you will live in your property for the rest of your life, and you are also being offered a really low interest rate, then you may consider paying closing cost to get this loan. But if it's short-term, then we will need to calculate to see how long it will take you to break even from the closing cost that you paid upfront. Sometimes it will take you 5-10 years to break even and most of the time, by then you are already ready to move on to your next home.

In every loan program, the key is to understand what you are being offered and getting into. Let me explain a little more regarding the two different types of closing cost.

One is “Re-occurring Closing Costs.” These are your interest, taxes and insurance costs of the loan. When you are buying a house, the lender will always require you to buy a year of hazard insurance, to be paid with your closing. When you are refinancing, you will also be required to prepay a year at closing, if there is an overlapping of premium due dates, your insurance carrier will usually credit the balance back to you. Interest payments are also collected for both purchase and refinance loans, we always pay our interest in the rear of the month of our mortgage payments. When someone offers you a free month of mortgage payment or for you to skip a month of mortgage payments, they are not explaining the loan to you properly. Again their are no free rides.

Another common “Re-occurring Closing Cost” is your taxes. Again, for purchase and refinance, you will always have to prepay property taxes that are due.

The second form of closing cost is the “Non-reoccurring Closing Cost” (NRCC). These are your points, lenders costs, escrow and title charges. When you are purchasing a house, your NRCC are typically tax deductable in the first year of purchase. While a refinance transaction will allow you to write off the closing costs over the term of your loan. That means if you had paid $5,000.00 in closing costs on a refinance, you will write off on about $166 per month on a 30 year loan.

I read an article in the LA Times a few weeks ago with startling statistics that people now are thinking of not paying their loan off, and would rather borrow as much as they can and as long as they can. To me, that is a trap just like your credit cards, how many people have fallen victims to that credit card money pit. Keep in mind, we are all enjoying high home values and equity, which I suppose should be called “High fly on borrowed Sky.” Once the correction on property values occur (and they will if what the think tanks are predicting comes true), you're going to need some cushioning for emergencies. Lines of credit again are to be use for short term only and not for buying cars, boats or doing major improvements to your home. They are adjustable rates that have only one direction, and that is to the roof. Please also try an fully understand your 1% loans. I just spent at least two hours explaining to a client who wanted to apply for these 1% loans. In her case, it was beneficial for her and I am putting her in with a good index adjustable loan that is tied to “COFI.” I will keep you informed on the outcome and have this client comment on her loan in the future.

Thanks for your support. Please feel free to call me at the office and I will be happy to evaluate your situation for you and give you the best possible advice. My goal is to make sure that you fully understand your loan program and get you the best possible rate. See my California home loans web site for more info.

P.S. I made a comment about the 1% loan per request from a recent reader/caller. Hopefully that would answer your question and make our readers aware of how they should review all loan papers and all cost prior to closing a deal. For further assistance, please call (888) 822-5363 or send an email to kennethgo

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Refinance your ARM loans before rates go any higher

Should I refinance my 2 years fixed loan now?
By: Ken Go (888)822-5363

There have been a good number of inquiries as to whether it is time to refinance home loans. Of course, the answer definitely would depend on the whole scenario for each borrower. Our company policy is very different from other mortgage companies. We make sure we get all income/asset/credit information from the borrowers and then make sure that the appraisal value is acceptable to the program selected. Then we formally approve the loan and issue a commitment to the borrowers with a guaranteed rate lock and a guaranteed closing fees. All these processes are done in a matter of minutes, as long as all income information and appraisal value are verified.

With this process, I am able to make sure that the clients fully understand how the process of the loan works. We make sure that you are happy with the whole transaction and advise you with options that will benefit you the most. I wish I could say yes to everyone who wants to refinance their loans. My policy might be conservative, but it is guaranteed that if we take your loan, you will close on schedule and on the rate and terms that we first disclose to you. The only thing I cannot control in a transaction is the title insurance. There are instances when a property has been recorded incorrectly with the county and it could take months to resolve that problem. We would normally know about these things in 3-5 days.

Here are some of the reasons for refinancing:

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Are Reverse Mortgages Good for Me?

A reverse mortgage is a loan against the equity in the home that provides tax-free cash advances, but requires no payments during the term of the loan. Since there are no monthly payments during the life of the loan, the balance grows larger and the equity gets smaller. Meaning the interest in accrued to your balance.

The loan is not due and payable until the borrower no longer occupies the home as a principal residence, e.g. the last surviving borrower sells, moves out permanently or passes away.

You must be at least 62 and own your own home or condominium in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage. There are no income or credit requirements to qualify. Based on the amount of benefit, which you qualify for, you may be eligible for a reverse mortgage even if you still owe money on your first mortgage.

Another benefit of these loans is that they are "non recourse," which means that no matter how high the loan balance grows, the borrower or their heirs never owe more than the home's market value.

The proceeds from a reverse mortgage can be used for anything: daily living expenses; home repairs and home improvements; medical bills and prescription drugs; pay-off of existing debts; education; travel; long-term health care; retirement and estate tax planning; and other needs you may have.

The proceeds from a reverse mortgage are available as a lump sum, fixed monthly payments for as long as you live in the property, a line of credit; or a combination of these options. The amount of benefit that you will qualify for will depend on your age at the time you apply for the loan, the type of reverse mortgage you choose, the value of your home, current interest rates, and, for some products, where you live. As a general rule, the older you are and the greater your equity, the larger the reverse mortgage benefit will be.

The costs associated with getting a reverse mortgage are similar to those with a conventional mortgage, such as the origination fee, appraisal and inspection fees, title policy, mortgage insurance and other normal closing costs. With a reverse mortgage, all of these costs can be financed as part of the mortgage. In other words, fees are collected at the back end or when the property is due. The interest on these mortgages are typically adjustable, so be clear with which types of ARM loans you are tied to.

You must first meet with an independent reverse mortgage counselor before applying for a reverse mortgage. The counselor's job is to educate you about reverse mortgages, to inform you about other alternative options available to you given your situation, and to assist you in determining which particular reverse mortgage product would best fit your needs if you elect to get a reverse mortgage. This counseling session is at no cost to the borrower and can be done in person or over the telephone.

Advantages of a reverse mortgage :

a) Avoid having to make mortgage payments and managing the account.
b) Cash out money upfront and still collect a monthly distribution of your equity.
c) No qualifying loan.


a) Slightly higher closing fees.
b) Fewer choices on the terms of the loan.
c) Have to qualify for the loan.

In this situation, most of the borrowers have plenty of equity and the thought of not having to worry about mortgage payments might be a strong deciding factor on which way to go. Please visit our California Home Loans web site, call me at (888) 822-5363, or email at : Kennethgo

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mortgages

I'm Scott Supak, Ken's webmaster. I just wanted to point out a great resource for anyone who is new to the home loans process. If your eyes roll back in your head when people start talking about APR, FICO scores, or PMI, we suggest you check out these Mortgage FAQs from these New York Mortgage brokers.

And for those of you who like to use Ezine Articles, we're posting Ken's mortgage articles over there. They have a handy RSS feed, and lots of free information about all kinds of things, including mortgages and home finance.Posted byScott Supakat9:46 AM

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måndag 4 juli 2011

Buying Pre-constructed Homes

Buying Pre-Construction? Can your Real Estate Agent help you?

It might not seem necessary to involve a real estate professional in a transaction where a buyer can deal directly with a builder. Think again! A real estate professional representing the buyer’s interests can guide you along the right path and smooth the rough places to help ensure you make a decision you can live with (and in) for many years. Here’s how:

First and foremost, my concern always for streamlining a transaction is your conflict of interest. If the builder (seller) is also representing you as a buyer. They will have too much interest into the transaction that might hinder their judgments into your benefits. Builders are also requiring buyers to go thru their own lending company which I believe is a big negative.
Just as a real estate professional calls on experience and knowledge of an area to help buyers locate pre-owned homes in a community, he or she can also direct buyers interested in newly built homes to developments and communities that match client specifications.
An agent can suggest builders based on their reputation for delivering a high-quality product, responding quickly to issues, and being financially sound.
An agent may be familiar with how a builder prices his products and where there may be room to negotiate price or upgrades.
Without agent representation, you are one buyer purchasing only one home. But an agent can significantly impact a builder’s bottom line by providing a steady supply of customers. The agent’s leverage may work in your favor at the negotiating table.
When relocating to a new area, agents can be particularly valuable resources. In addition to providing local area information regarding schools, day care or elder care services, public transportation, proposed development, and so on, once construction is under way, an agent can periodically stop by the work site; supply you with progress reports, and photograph or videotape phases of the construction.
An agent can assist you as you face hundreds of design choices and consider which upgrades could potentially add value to the home when it comes time to sell.
An agent can accompany you at the site while you okay the plumbing and electrical locations prior to dry walling, as well as on the walk-through or builder orientation.

By now, you should be convinced of a real estate professional’s value as you search for and purchase a newly built home. You should always know and have enough knowledge of how real estate transactions are occurring on a day to day basis. Remember to trust only information that you have verified and researched. You then can enjoy individual attention and support at no cost to you. What a great way to start life in a new home!Posted byKen Goat2:53 PM

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Getting a loan from the builder due to their incentives program?

Builders are becoming more dominating than ever. They almost always require the buyers to go thru their own lender. Here is why I feel that builder incentives are not beneficial for the homebuyers.
The builders control the prices of homes and could offer any amount as an incentive for homebuyers to go thru their own lenders.
Home prices of newly constructed homes are at times inflated due to the differences in upgrades between similar homes. This tells me that your neighbor might have paid more for their house only because of the improvements that are added to the sales prices. Is the amount they claim the true value of those improvements?
Builders offer closing costs paid if you choose to go with their own lenders. Is that included in your sales price or your interest rates? Most of the time yes. Still, compare them with your conventional lenders or brokers and you will be surprised at the better services you will get from conventional lenders and brokers.
They forced you to use their own lender in order to start the purchase transaction and reserve you a home, sort of like twisting your arm until you give up.
Now a major home mortgage industry group wants the federal government to take a closer look at these deals, calling some of them clever violations of real estate settlement and antitrust regulations. The National Association of Mortgage Brokers, the principal trade group for the country's more than 40,000 independent home loan brokers, says builder financing incentives frequently steer buyers to mortgage deals more costly than those competing, nonaffiliated brokers could provide. A delegation of mortgage brokers recently complained to the government's real estate settlement rules officials, asking for a nationwide investigation of builder incentive financing programs.

For Example, if you are offered carpet incentives, get the exact dollar amount that is being credited and get a detailed report on the cost of your rates and fees. Shop around and compare. Show your lenders these incentives. If they offered you an amount that might exceed a normal closing cost, find out where the difference is going to be applied to.

Good luck in your house hunting, I am currently involved in a non-profit organization helping homebuyers with absolute no money for down payment and closing cost. As soon as more information is available, I will write about it for our readers that might avail of such programs. Please call or send your questions to (888) 822-5363 or send it to kennethgo

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Mortgage Mailers: Am I really pre-approved?

Isn't it annoying to get all that junk mail from companies trying to get you to apply for a home mortgage? This is a typical letter from our readers:I keep getting pre-approved mortgage offers in the mail (several a week), and this makes me very uncomfortable. Many of them are from out of state banks or companies I have never heard of. I have been told there is a way to keep these companies from sending me these offers or inquiring about my credit, but no one has been able to tell me how I should go about this. Is there an address or phone number I can contact to take care of this?Getting off a Telemarketer’s List

When a telemarketer calls, document when and where they are calling from and ask them to please put you on their “do not call list” (use those exact words). According to federal law they are not allowed to call you again. If they persist and continue to call you, you can make a report to National Fraud Information Center.

Junk Mortgage mailers:

You can write to Experian Consumer Opt Out: 701 Experian Parkway, Allen TX 75013 or call (800) 353-0809 (one call or letter gets you off all three bureaus).

I have received numerous calls from my readers claiming that they had just gotten a loan from a telemarketer or from mortgage mailers. One of them had given me full details of what occurred when she applied for a loan thru them. A call was initially received from a telemarketer and when the client replied, a representative got some information and advises that a service loan representative would call her back. One did, and after getting all necessary information they offered her a rate that she thought was good. Their processing time was very quick, within about a week and a half, the loan representative called again and said that she had been approved and that the papers are ready for signing. They scheduled a signing date, once all documents are laid down; the borrowers noticed that her closing cost was sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000). She then refused to sign; a manager called and threatened to sue the borrowers for a commission. The borrower then thought she did not have a choice and followed his instructions and signed. Now, they are closed and the commission was paid to the mortgage company from Michigan.

One lesson to be learned from this, Real estate lending law varies from state to state. Not only that, a mortgage company could be governed by Department of Real Estate or Corporations. There are major differences is all governing bodies.

I tried to inquire about mass mailing myself for my business, I found out that it is not important what you can offer the clients but how you can draw them in to you and then close them. These companies sometimes sell your information for pennies, they send out millions of mailers and when someone calls, they have professional closers to tell you anything you want to hear just to get your business. The percentage of closing if very low because most of the people hate telemarketers and mass mortgage mailers. That is why these companies always try to come up with innovative ways to send you mailers or call you.

With mortgage business slowing down, I am sure the telemarketer and the mortgage mailers will increase.

I recently got a call from a telemarketer who does not know I was in the business; I played along with their sales pitch and wanted to see how good they are in trying to get me a loan. They were offering a 1% loan with no discount points. I started asking deep questions like, what are the margin, indexes and the life cap. The representative tries to stir me into mostly the low payment that this loan offers. I ask if there was a negative amortization (increasing principal balance) on this loan. They clearly said “NO” and said that I have options and again tried to focus on the low payments again. I then ask for a good faith estimate to be sent to my fax number, I got it after 3 days. I then noticed that they are charging me an origination fee of 2%, I ask the representative about this and he said that he already gave me a discount for not charging me a discount points.

In my business, they are the same fees and that is a huge deception. I then went down the list of other closing costs: there are about $1800 in other miscellaneous fees. I then called and said I was not interested anymore, the same scenario happened, another person came into the picture and tried to talk me into this loan. He gave me some discount and said that we are ready to close. I asked this person about the negative loan, he explained it a little better but kept directing me to the minimum payment that is low. I then said I am not interested. The person I spoke with was a manager and got frustrated in trying to close me and then hung up on me.

Don’t believe your mailers or telemarketers; they are just trying to talk you into putting money into their pockets. Be very careful, so far I have not heard of a good deal with one of those specialty marketing strategies. Best to always get all details of the loan in writing and not verbal.

SPECIAL NOTE: first time buyers, I am attending a seminar to help first time buyers with no money, bad credit to buy or refinance home, please call me if you would be interested in attending it with me. It’s free and it’s going to be held in LA on March 11, 2006 10 AM to 2 PM.

Please send me your feedback if you have gotten any information from me that might have helped you. Thanks so much for your inquiries, for you next purchase or refinancing needs call Ken at (888)822-5363 or write to kennethgo

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Can You Beat Rates and Fees from Major Lenders?

Question: I got two quotes from two major lenders on a jumbo loan for $500,000, one lender offered me 6.375% (3/1/06) and the other lender offered me a rate over 7%. I read about you advise on how to compare and shop for mortgage rates. But before committing to a lender I thought I would send you an email on your website and see what you could do for me.Ken Go: After interviewing the client, I got them approved that same day. I committed to lock the rate in at 6.25% (3/02/06) for the exact same program. The client now is formally approved and all we are waiting for is the final closing. With a simple phone call, the client was able to get guaranteed rates and fees from us in writing and they were able to save an extra $40.00 a month on the payment. Not a bad deal, now they know they are getting a good deal with great service. I can normally compete with major lenders if not beat them. We actually work with most of the major lenders but we get wholesale pricing, which is why we can be better than most of the major lenders.

Thank you so much for your inquiries, I enjoy very much giving advice and helping our readers obtain better financing. Please call or write to kennethgo

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Refinancing Only Your Second Mortgage

Question: I would like for you to advise whether I should refinance my entire loan to pay off my credit card debts of about $70K. Our credit scores are in their low 6’s and we have two mortgage lates within the past 24 months. What is my best option per your expertise on what we should do?Ken Go: After fully analyzing the client’s current loan situation. Their first mortgage rates are in the mid 5’s and it is a 5 year fixed rate mortgage that they have only been in for one year and a half. Their second mortgage rate is at 8.5%. Due to the mortgage lates their credit scores have gone down between 20-50 points between the three bureaus’. They needed to get rid of the credit card payments because the average interest rates on those cards are about 12.5%. I suggested for them to refinance just the second mortgage, the rates was higher than their initial rates by about 2% but they will have paid off all their credit card debts. They now can write off more interest deduction on their taxes, their payments were reduced by about $1500.00 due to us eliminating the credit debts. Now, they have more flexibility to concentrate on paying their mortgages on a timely manner.

Thank you so much for your inquiries, I enjoy very much giving advice and helping our readers obtain better financing. Please call or write to kennethgo

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Compare Reverse Mortgages to Conventional Loans

Question: I am currently 62 years old and would like to apply for a reverse mortgage loan with you. My house value is about $750K and I only owe about $160K. I am retired and do not work but rely on a low alimony payment from my ex-husband. I understand I can get some cash upfront and also receive a monthly distribution on my equity. Please advise.Ken Go: A simple explanation on reverse mortgage. It’s a type of loan that will charge you interest, fees and has some guidelines just like any other loan. The minimum age is 62 years old and the maximum loan amount for that age is around $200K. The lender will charge you a hefty fee for this loan and your interest payments will accrue into your loan balance. An example in this situation, the total fees charged towards the balance of the loan is about $16K, a monthly deferred interest is around $1200.00 and the maximum cash out is only around $33K. I suggested for the borrower to get a regular deferred loan program with a very low minimum payment, the total fees was less than $5k and she was able to cash out $100K.Posted byScott Supakat7:54 PM

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Second Mortgage over 10%, Can I Refinance It?

Question: About 10 months ago I purchased a property with no money down, my credit scores were in their high 500’s and our property value now has gone up by 20% since we purchased the property. I have a prepayment penalty on my loan and I would like my payments to be reduced. What should I do?Ken Go: This caller, I spoke with about 4-5 months ago, I reviewed their credit history and advise them a few things. I recommended for them to apply for two more credit cards because they have very few trade lines. I advised them to pay off the small credit cards, use only one major card and do not close any open accounts. With the payments of the mortgage being on time, two new credit accounts and two other open accounts with zero balances. The scores of this borrower increase to 660 in 5 months. I am not recommending for them to pay off the first mortgage due to a very high prepayment penalty. They also still want to enjoy the interest only payment on it. So, we refinance their second mortgage to a 7% fixed rate mortgage, which lowered their payments by $80.00 with some cash out to pay off minimal debts. This client knows they will refinance this loan again when they are ready for a fixed rate mortgage. That is why this loan they got is a “NO CLOSING COST” loan; nothing was also added towards the loan balance.

Thank you so much for your inquiries, I enjoy very much giving advice and helping our readers obtain better financing. Please call or write to kennethgo

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Neighborhood Program - No Down Payment or Closing Costs

No money down homebuyers program that might actually work!

I recently attended a Neighbor Assistance Program Seminar and would like to share this information to you. This program offers homebuyer (FIRST TIME OR NOT) and homeowners an opportunity to buy a house with absolutely no down payment and no closing cost. It's also an opportunity for homeowners to refinance their predatory loan to a much a better rate of interest. Not only that, they are offering rates about .50% lower than your conventional financing. Is that true, you will ask me? I was doubtful myself that is why I spent almost an entire Saturday listening to what they have to offer. This is not a government program; this company is a non-profit organization that gets certain grant from this conventional lender in order to offer these types of loans. It is true but it's not that easy, you pay either way: the easy way with your dollars, or this way with your time. I will narrow down what I found out from the seminar, and this is something for you to consider if you qualify for it.

For purchasing a home, here are the requirements:

1. Currently, maximum sales price for
CONDO/SFR: $ 362,790.00
Two unit property: $ 464,449.00
Three unit property: $ 561,411.00
Four unit property: $ 697,696.00

2. Attend and graduate from their workshops

3. Complete evaluation forms and daily expense diaries.

4. Qualify for the house when evaluated, sometimes they will accept unconventional method of qualifying you for your income. For example, if you don’t have pay stubs, they will review your previous year’s bank statements to average out your deposit.

5. Credit is not an issue, but you have to resolve and explain late pays.

6. Pay for taxes, interest and insurance fees at closing.

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Should I combine my first and second mortgage into one loan?

"I have an 6.75% first mortgage with a balance of $360,000, and a 10% second mortgage with a balance of $90,000. The second mortgage brought our total mortgage debt at the value of the property at that time, which is why the rate is so high. Our house has since appreciated about 10-15% in value, and I’m sure I can profit by refinancing. My question is, should I refinance the second only or should I refinance both, and if I refinance both should I take out two new mortgages or should I consolidate the first and second into a new first? It is all too confusing.”It is confusing. The best choice depends on a number of factors including:

Rates and points available on new loans. Critically important are the terms of new loans to refinance, relative to the terms on the existing loans. This will depend on what has happened to mortgage interest rates, the value of your property, and your credit rating since you signed for the original loans. When you have two mortgages, you must obtain price quotes on a new first for the amount of the balance on the existing first, and on a new second for the amount of the balance on the existing second. You also need a quote on a new first for the amount of the balance on both existing loans.

How long you expect to be in your house. Refinancing typically involves immediate costs to obtain future benefits -- the longer you have the mortgages, the larger the refinancing benefit.

Current value of your house. Appreciation in the value of your house may make it possible to refinance the first mortgage without purchasing mortgage insurance. If large enough, appreciation could allow you to roll both loans into one without paying mortgage insurance.

Remaining term on existing loans. The shorter the remaining term on your existing loans, the smaller the refinancing benefit. With a shorter remaining term, you pay off the existing loan faster, which reduces the cost of the higher rate on that loan.

Term on new loans. The shorter the term on your new loan(s), the larger the benefit from refinancing. While shorter terms increase the cost of monthly payments, this is more than offset by the more rapid pay down of the loan balance.

Your income tax bracket. The tax savings on interest payments usually reduce the net benefits of refinancing. The higher your tax bracket, the smaller the benefit of an interest rate reduction on a new mortgage. However, if the remaining term on the existing loan is short, expect the reverse -- the refinance benefit can be larger for a high tax bracket borrower. Complexities such as these make refinancing two mortgages perplexing.

If you could consolidate both of the existing loans into a single new first mortgage at 5.875% and one point, the savings over 6 years would be even greater -- $7187. Every case is different but we can help you analyst your situation and determine how much you would save by refinancing or not.

Please feel free to call me at (888) 822-5363 or write to Kennethgo

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What can I afford?

Can I Afford to Buy a House?Be Sure to Include in All the Costs
Ken Go (888)822-5363
Potential buyers sometimes forget to factor in the property taxes, homeowners insurance and the possibility of depreciation, as well as the costs associated with closing the transaction, moving, purchasing major appliances, and home, landscape and pool maintenance, not to mention furnishings and design accessories once you move in.
The days of calling up the landlord to fix your problems come to an abrupt halt when you're a homeowner. You'll be responsible for everything from malfunctioning appliances to leaky faucets to broken heating and air conditioning units and everything in between. And if you buy an older home, you'll probably eventually encounter costly repairs, such as replacing the roof or windows.
To determine whether you can afford to buy a home, you should do the following:
1. Determine the property value of homes that interest you. The property value is determined by comparing the prices of homes recently sold of similar size in the same neighborhood. Your real estate agent will be able to provide this information to you.
2. Review different mortgage loan types and compare their required down payment amounts to the money you have available. Make sure you will have a payment that is affordable for a duration of three to five years, include that taxes and insurance. Don’t cheat yourself with the low rates or the negative amortization loans that is available.
3. Get a letter to guaranteed your closing costs, including points , taxes, recording, inspections, prepaid loan interest, title insurance and financing costs from your mortgage lender or a real estate professional. These will generally add up to between 2 and 3 percent of the property value. You'll receive an estimate of these costs from your lender after you apply for a mortgage but request for a guaranteed rate and fees.
4. Add the down payment requirements and the closing costs together to determine the amount of money you'll need right off the bat. But you're not done yet.
5. Think about the actual move. Will you hire a moving company or rent a truck? Either way will cost you. The more stuff you have, the more it will cost.
6. Property taxes. Many lenders will require an impound account in which monthly payments for property tax (and often insurance) are paid together with the monthly mortgage payment. You can figure your average annual tax rate will be about 1.25 percent of the purchase price of your home. For new homes, ask about Mello Roos ( Its an act that allows county, city or special district to finance public facilities and services thru homeowners).

7. Next, budget for maintenance and repairs.
8. If you have other income that will come in to help you pay the mortgages, make sure they are on going to be at least two to three years guaranteed and you should have an alternative plan if that fails.
Once you crunch the numbers and find you come up a bit short, investigate ways to reduce your debts or creatively increase your income—it can come from a variety of sources.
My advise to new homeowners: Make sure you can afford the payments and don’t cheat yourselves with short term loans or negative amortization loans that will get you in trouble.
For existing homeowners that are having problems paying: Don’t refinance only to be able to keep your head above water for a few months, if you cant really pay the mortgage sell your house and repurchase later when you can afford it then.
And of course, you'll want to weigh perhaps the biggest benefit of all—having a place to call your own. Call me anytime for any inquiries: Ken go (888)822-5363 or write: kennethgo

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Mortgage rates going higher

Control your interest rates from rising.
Ken Go (888)822-5363

Consumer credit rates
Extra costs due to your interest rates rising will stretch consumers and those with bad credit will suffer the most! We all have benefited from a booming economy with low interest rates and rising property values, but this could bring a rude awakening for the unprepared.The combination of high gas prices, higher energy costs, interest rates on the upswing and troubling levels of debt and credit use could spell catastrophe for many. If you have debts, you need to get them under control right away. Credit spending has become a bad habit for everyone. It’s easy to fall behind on payments and get into big trouble especially when you mix in unexpected personal problems. If you have credit card debt or significant balances on your lines of credits then I urge you to consolidate them immediately. Don’t procrastinate combine your mortgages if you can, consolidate these bills now into a second mortgage and improve your cash flow instantly!Today on CNN, they are talking about credit card companies seriously considering raising minimum credit card payments from 3% of the outstanding balance. What is going to happen to your budget if they do increase your minimum monthly payments on your credit cards to 4% or maybe even 5%?Can you afford paying $200, $300, $500 or maybe even 1,000 more each month?Hopefully they will not go through with it and things will remain as usual, but what if they go ahead with it. How are you going to survive? My suggestion to you is, pay off these credit cards today! Consider consolidating them into a second mortgage.

Home Mortgage rates
If you have a home mortgage that is adjustable or will adjust in the next couple of years. You should seriously consider converting your loan to a fixed rate mortgage. Here are some changes in the index market just within the last six months. 11th District COFI indexes went from 2.972 to 3.604 (21% increase), LIBOR went from 4.0882-4.8260 (18%), One Year Treasury from 3.77-4.91 (30%). If you don’t know what these indexes are, you are to get yourself educated. These indexes are the vehicle wherein your adjustable rate mortgage programs are tied to. Even if you loan is fixed for two years, they have indexes that will come to place once your second year anniversary comes to the picture. “After the limited initial periods end, the monthly payment for the holder of this nontraditional mortgage must increase-even if interest stays flat-and the size of that increase can be very substantial,” Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said. Make your move to try to weight your option to convert your adjustable rate to a fixed rate mortgage.

If you have a line of credit on your home, that rate has gone up one full percent just six months ago, should you be worried. Yes, of course, try to either combine that into one loan or refinance your line of credit to a fixed rate second mortgage. I am terrified when I have talk to several readers not realizing that they could have gotten fixed second mortgages when they were applying for a loan. Your best options for second mortgages are if your credit is up to the lenders par and you have some equity in the property.

There are many variables that can influence the rates on long-term debt instruments, but an understanding of key economic indicators can provide clues to the future direction of interest rates.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the US – and is the most important indicator.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) – is a measure of the average change over time in prices paid by urban consumers of a fixed market basket of consumer goods and services. Tied to inflationary concerns.
Producer Price Index (PPI) –is a family of indexes that measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services.
Payroll Employment – The government's employment report provides employment, hours and earnings estimates based on payroll records of business establishments. The payroll employment is the most significant indicator of current economic trends each month
Unemployment Rate - The government's employment report provides information on the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons by occupation, industry, duration of unemployment, and reason for unemployment.
Consumer Credit - Consumer credit data tracks debt levels for auto financing and commercial banking credit and are considered a fairly good indicator of consumer spending. Consumer credit report is generally considered to have little impact on interest rates.
Housing Starts - Housing starts is one of the leading economic indicators. A higher-than-expected increase in housing starts triggers economic growth and is considered inflationary, causing bond prices to fall and yields and interest rates to rise. Likewise, decline or declining trend in housing activity slows the economy and can push it into a recession, causing yields and interest rates to fall.
Getting yourself informed at all times is a great way to determine your next move, timing is key to anybodies success in this ever changing world we live in. Good luck, thanks again for all your inquiries, for further assistance please call me at (888)822-5363 or write to kennethgo

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lease option to buy

How a lease option could benefit both buyers and sellers.
Ken Go (888) 822-5363

It would appear the market is changing, these changes will require both seller and buyer to adapt. The seller must realize that there will be more competition in the marketplace as more homes hit gets listed “For Sale”. Price will start to play a bigger role than the condition and location. Expect to see more listing prices being reduced and expired. Buyers have to realize they are not going to “steal” any homes as far as pricing goes. At least not yet, because now the buyers are still out there looking but taking their time and they have more choices.

The idea came to me when I have a caller who asks for my advice to see if I could lower his payments by refinancing his property. Here is their situation, they purchase a property less than a year ago with no money down, and got a two (2) years fixed rate mortgage that they could not afford from the start. Their loan agent promised them that they could refinance and get their payments down within a year. Two things happened here when that loan agent said that statements, one is either that person is so smart that he or she could predict what will happen to interest rates and home values within a year or that person is flat out just saying that to close this loan. You figure it out, on top of all this the loan carries a prepayment penalty for both loan.

Anyways, I calculated his options and checked the property value. I am hitting a brick wall, cant do any better on his payments due to interest rate now are higher. The property value has not risen enough to make a 90% combined loan to value due to the prepayment penalty to be added to the loan balance.

I then remembered that I have a client who is currently working on getting their credit cleaned up and in the process of saving up money for closing cost. T hey makes over $9000.00 a month and can afford$3000.00 payments. I heard a light bulb lit up in my mind and thought that maybe somehow I could put both of them together and make it work for both.

I am suggesting to the owner of the property to sell because even if I can help him with refinancing, in six months time he would be back in my office asking me to do the same for him and now he would live mortgage to mortgage sacrificing just to be above water. I then called the callers who are currently trying to save money and work on improving their credit and see if they might be interested in a . How this works is, they would take over the existing payments of the seller without going thru an escrow; a lease contract is signed thru an agent for a minimal fee paid by either the buyers or sellers. Without having to apply for a new loan, once agreed the buyers can move in and continue making payments for the sellers until a given time on the contract. Then should the buyers apply for a new loan to release the sellers from the mortgage responsibility.

Facts about lease options for sellers:
1. The seller might be able to avoid paying a prepayment penalty if the contract due to be exercised after the prepayment period.
2. The seller depending on the contract might walk away with some money.
3. The seller needs to monitor the payment of the buyers because the loan is still under the sellers name until the buyer refinances the loan.
4. The seller minimizes commission and closing cost paid to agents and escrow companies.

Facts about lease options for buyers:
1. The buyers will be able to avoid having to qualify for a loan regardless of credit situation, because they might just need to take over the existing loan of the seller.
2. The buyers will be able to avoid paying high fees for closing cost.
3. The buyers must be able to afford the payments of the mortgage, tax and insurance to be proven to the seller to avoid delayed payment on the mortgage loan.
4. If the buyers have poor credit but can afford the mortgage payments, they would have the time to re-establish their credit prior to applying for a loan in the future to fully own the house outright.

As easy as it sounds, this might be a harder task than meets the eye. The match has to be perfectly beneficial for both parties. A lot of communication would have to be going on even after the contract has been exercised.

Warning: Be careful with applicants just wanting to take over your payments and move in. They could move in sign a contract with you, but never pay the lender and you will be responsible as far as the lender is concerned because they never took out a loan under their name. If they did, it would not be called a lease but a regular conventional transaction.

Advise: Employ a professional to handle and negotiate the transactions and ask for some kind of good faith deposit to show interest from the buyers. Remember, they should be releasing the sellers from the payments only but not the responsibility.

Please contact me for your inquiries, I will be more than happy to assist you in anyway I can. Call me at (888) 822-5363 or write to Kennethgo

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What can tenants do when the owners are no longer paying the mortgage?

I hope this would be the last stages of the foreclosures that are occurring in our state. I had predicted that the past 3-6 months might have reduce the homeowners with Sub-Prime loans that are going into foreclosures. But we have a new problem here in our state, which is “Unemployment” and that has been the leading factor for this new trend of homeowners not able to pay their mortgages.

For homes that are tenant occupied, here are some Recent Laws:

Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009 ----
1) Federal Law took effect May 20, 2009.
2) Law requires that for any residential real estate foreclosure, the immediate successor in interest to the property (i.e. foreclosing lender or third party purchaser) to send a Notice to Vacate effective at least 90 days after the date of the Notice to the “bona fide” tenant.
3) To be a “bona fide” tenant All of the following must be met:
a. The tenant is not the borrower, former owner or their immediate family member.
b. The lease or tenancy was an arms-length transaction, and
c. The lease or tenancy requires that rent that is not substantially less than fair market rent, unless subject to federal, state or local rent controls.
4) Additionally, the Notice must advise any tenant that entered into a “bona fide” lease of the tenant’s right to occupy the property through the end of the lease term, unless the successor in interest intends to use the property as a principal residence in which case the 90 day Notice would still be in effect.
5) Notice must still be given, but Successor in interest is not required to abide by the terms of the lease if it was oral: month to month; set to expire within 90 days after the foreclosure sale; entered into subsequent to receiving the first foreclosure notice.

California Foreclosure Prevention Act --- effective June 15, 2009
1) The lender must wait an additional 90 after the expiration of the three-month waiting period before a Notice of Sale can be filed if ALL the following conditions are met:
a. The loan was recorded from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2008;
b. The loan is secured by a first deed of trust; and
c. The borrower occupied the property as the borrower’s principal residence at the time the loan became delinquent
2) It is possible for a lender to receive an exemption from the new law by implementing a comprehensive loan modification program that is approved by either the Department of Corporations, the Department of Real Estate or the Department of Financial Institiutions.
3) This law is set to remain in effect from June 15, 2009 to January 1, 2011.

So, far Loan Modifications for homeowners in need of such assistance has proven to be unsuccessful, lenders are prolonging the foreclosure process, which in tern could either help the homeowners find other sources of income to come up with the mortgage payments or for them to wait for better modification solutions in place compared to what is available.

I believe and repeatedly explain to my callers that in order to understand how a Bank/Lender can help you, you should see the big picture and not get emotional or personal about this. Banks will always put themselves ahead of you, remember that. Therefore when you are calling a bank to ask for help, remember here are the reasons why they should or can help you:
1) Your loan is a “Negative Amortization Loan”, these loans are called the “Teaser Loans” the banks are trying to get rid of these types of loans as fast as they can.
2) You have a predatory loan ( loans rates that are either short term adjustables or high interest yielding fixed rates ).
3) You qualify for hardship for hardship due to some of these major factors:
a. Death in the family.
b. Lost of employment or reduction of employments hours.
4) The key factor why a bank would want to help you is that they have to see that you can make your payments once they have decided to modify your loan. They need to see the “Ability to Repay” the debt. They will calculate your possible lower rates including the taxes and insurance to assure these obligations paid consistently every month. Otherwise, once after the trial period you might fall back into the same scenario and not able to pay again.

By understanding how the lenders sees you as a borrower that will eliminate a lot of confusion about why lenders would rather foreclose rather than modify. Another major factor is that your lenders ( BOA, Chase or Wells Fargo ) to name a few might not be the actual “INVESTOR” of your loan, they might just be servicing the loan. That means any type of modification to the original note has to be approved by them.

Please call for to discuss your situation and hopefully I have the answer you are looking for. Please call Ken Go of 1st Innovative Finance Group at (562) 697-7028 or write to kennethgo

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How to pick your Mortgage Broker.

Banks might be taking too long or not returning your calls, right?

If you are looking for a mortgage, you may have been advised that it’s better to go through a mortgage broker.Now a days if you are still in the business, you must have done something right, because the downfall of the SubPrime Loans has weeded out a lot of the bad brokers in our business. This seems to make sense because most major lenders (ALL THREE OF THEM) will take an average 45 days to close a loan, forget about getting pre-approved or a return call, they are so busy that they cannot handle the work loan. Brokers are experts, aren’t they? This is generally true. But it doesn’t mean that you have to accept everything the broker says, or be completely uncritical. There are some things you need to look out for.

At one time just about anyone could set up as a mortgage broker.

All brokers are supposed to offer advice and a recommendation. Beware of a mortgage broker who claims only to offer information. This may be to forestall potential complaints.

Be extremely wary of a broker who encourages you to bend the truth in order to get the mortgage you want. It’s part of the mortgage broker’s job to make sure you get a mortgage which you can afford and which is right for your circumstances.

Some mortgage brokers will tell you that they are “whole of market” when they only in fact have access to a representative panel. This may not necessarily be a bad thing in itself, but you should be careful of a broker who you think is trying to mislead you. Check just how many lenders the broker has access to.

A mortgage broker who works on a commission basis may seem cheaper. But can you really be sure that the broker is recommending the product that is best for you, rather than being swayed by the commission? Of course most brokers are honest and genuine. And they are actually bound by their professional code to give the advice that is in the client’s best interests. But if this is a worry for you, choose one that operates on a fee basis.

If you do use a mortgage broker who operates on a fee basis, avoid one who expects you to pay the bill before completion of the transaction. This can cause problems if things change or break down later on. Check at the beginning when the broker expects the fee to be paid.Always remember you are the customer. Don’t let yourself be over-awed by the broker’s expertise. A good mortgage broker will always be happy for you to check everything and ensure that everything is being done in your best interests.

Most important advise for you to follow, get all the fee and rate quotes in writing and make them guarantee it. WE CAN! WE CAN CLOSE IN ABOUT 15 WORKING DAYS TOO!

For more help or inquiries, call Ken Go at (562) 697-7028 or write to kennethgo

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Loan Mod Scams and New Incentives for Short Sale

Another falls for A Loan Modification scam and see how the Obama Administration is trying to keep defaulting owners in their homes.

Caller: Dear Ken, I just recently read your article about loans being in a Negative Amortization Adjustable Mortgage. I am so depress and don’t know what to do, my husband passed on and I am handling our finances by myself with two children in college. I went to a Loan Mod Company and paid them $ 3000.00 to modify my loan. I was told specifically to stop my mortgage payments and now I am 6 months behind my payments. I then was told to Short Sale my property thru the same company, because they claim that I don’t qualify for the Loan Mod. I cant sleep at night and I really am very depress and don’t know what to do.

Ken Go: For my readers, this is the first time I have had a caller sound like this, from the time I heard her voice I knew she was completely devastated. I was having diner and immediately move to another room to speak with her. This is her situation, she has a “Pick-A-Payment” Loan with a minimum payment of about $800.00 a month payment, her property is not upside down but has very little equity. She lives in a descent area that I am sure will recover faster than other cities. She is currently still working but has concerns about her mortgage recasting (adjusting) to a higher payment next year. She is also worried about her job security now. I told her that if she would have called me last year, I would have told her to keep her money and keep paying the $ 800.00 a month for now. Per advise of the Loan Modification Company, they wanted her to list the property for sale with them ( to line up more money in their own pocket if you ask me ) and if she listened to the Loan Mod company and short sales her property, she still has to pay around 1200-1400 for a two bedroom apartment. So, why sell right? My take on this is that the Loan Modification Company wants to short sale to make another commission. Not caring about what happens to the homeowners. I told her not to talk to the Loan Mod Company and gave her the name, number and address to :

Call State consumer protection agency 800-952-5225 –
You have to call FTC – to complain by phone or internet and then call Ca. State consumer protection to take action.

File a complain in writing detailing your situation with all name and company names to :

Office of the attorney general – public inquiry unit
PO Box 944255
Sacramento CA 94244 –

Shortcut to: https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/

To file a complain and I gave her the number to her lenders Presidents Office to complain and ask for help.

Her two children will be graduating this year and I told her to sit them down and tell her about the financial trouble she is in. I told her to continue to payments and make arrangement with her lender to continue the loan. Because she has till next year before the loan will actually recast or adjust, for now that payment is affordable. By next year her children are both graduating and hopefully will be able to help make the mortgage payments.

Even if the adjusted Mortgage payments will be around $ 1600 a month, that should be affordable for a three income family. With the market condition now a days, she will have a nice size equity in 5-7 years and then hopefully can sell and retire.

This is a case of real abuse where as the Loan Mod company saw an opportunity to take money from this person who might not be too sophisticated or familiar with their own financial situation. Mainly due to her husband passing who was the main financial person of the household.

The crooks in this situation probably wants the property for themselves and will have no mercy or conscience in kicking these hardworking family from their home for many years, which is not underwater and has a minimum payment of $ 800.00.

Lesson learned, don’t stop paying your mortgage unless you are certain that by doing that it actually helps and not puts you in a worse situation

The Obama Administration in an effort to end the foreclosure crisis has a new approach: “Paying some of the them to leave”. This is latest program, which will allow owners to sells for less than what they owe and will them a little incentive to speed up the process. Now, there are more than five Million households behind on their mortgages and risk foreclosure. Come this April 15th, a program could encourage hundreds of thousands of delinquent borrowers who have not been rescued by the loan modification program to sell their houses through a process called Short Sale. Lenders will be compelled to accept the arrangement, forgiving the difference between market price and amount owed. “We want to streamline and standardize the short sale process to make it much easier on the borrower and much easier on the lender,” said Seth Wheeler, a Treasury Senior Advisor.

This process will allow the borrowers to suffer less damaging credit remarks and ratings. And as part of the transaction, they will get the lender’s assurance that they will not later be sued for the unpaid mortgage balance.

I will look into this new program and will be discussing about Mortgage Deficiency next week. Seems like there is a new fear amongs homeowners being foreclosed on. Which is will the lenders have the right to go after the deficiency balance even after Foreclosures? Some experts says yes and I will discuss that next week.

Thanks so much for your support, please call Ken Go of 1st Innovative Finance for your loan questions or modification or short Sale inquiries. Call Ken at 562-697-7028 or write to: kennethgo

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Short Sale Deficiency Judgements

Will I be liable for the deficiency balance on my defaulted mortgage balance?

Caller: My property was foreclosed 6 months ago and I am still getting a bill for the mortgage balance of my property. What can I do about the debt? The bank already sold the house to another buyer.

Ken Go: That is what happens if you let your property go to foreclosure, you did not request for debt forgiveness and the lender is after you for the deficiency judgment. Meaning, if you owe $500K on your property and the lender after paying all the fees, interest, legal and agent fees net about $400K only, you will owe them $100K. I am advising my readers to consider a short sale after failing to modify their loans and rates, and letting the property go into foreclosure as a last resort. Think about it, if you let go of the property just like that, the bank will have to wait for the legal process to kick in before taking over the property, that means you would have incurred legal fees, let alone the wait time that is wasted due to the process of bank take over. Then, the bank will also hire an agent and pay their commission to sell the house, all those cost of the bank selling will also go on your bill. So, you basically just increased your debt balance and hopefully your property is not damaged or vandalized where there will be again incurred cost, because again you will have to pick up those cost. Therefore, do I make sense when I say lets short sell it and ask the bank to accept a smaller payoff? What to do then, maybe talk to the lender to discount the balance if you have money to settle, or talk to a lawyer as far as how to avoid the debt.

Caller: I wrote about this caller a few weeks ago, who wanted me to help her request for a loan modification, she is $18K behind and have no way to pay the debt off to be current. I assisted in calling and providing the lender with the necessary documents to have her loan modified. Just recently the lender approved her modification package. What they did was they put the loan balance of 18K on top of her loan and kept her rate and increased her payments by about $100.00. I her case, she wanted to keep the house and has the ability to pay her mortgage but not to bring the loan current, so this will work out for her and now she wont have to worry about the 18K debt.
She got an advice from someone saying that don’t pay your mortgage for 2 months before calling the lender and asking for a loan modification. Problem is the 2 months quickly became 6 months and now she can’t keep up. So, before you get an advice make sure that person is qualified to make comments.

Caller: I was defrauded by a countryman, I was behind on my home that I owned for 18 years and was lead to believe that this person was going to use a straw buyer (fake buyer) to buy that property back for the caller. The Agent requested for $10K as an escrow deposit for the supposedly straw buyer. After a few months of communication with the agent, he suddenly stops calling. When chased after, the office has no record of the escrow ever being opened. What should I do? My home was foreclosed because I have a notice to move already and the bank won’t talk to me any more.

Ken Go: At this point, you have to report that agent to Federal Trade Commission, www.ftc.gov or call 1-877-ftc-help. I can’t even tell you if you will ever get your money back. I would report them to the local authorities too. Unfortunately, as far as your house, since the Trustee sale occurred you are out of options. Best is to report this person to avoid other people to fall for their scams. This is by the way a Federal offense for those who are getting ideas about scamming other homeowners.

Caller: I was approach by a lawyer’s office to who wanted to help me do a loan modification with my houses that I have. I own a vacation that is still ok but due to my interest rates being high, I might not be able to afford it anymore. I refinanced my home to be able to buy the vacation home and my current residence also has a high interest rate that I am paying.

Ken Go: Before paying someone $2-4K to help you do loan modification, take note of these things. There are non profit agencies out there that will help you negotiate with your lender for free. You can also do that yourself, of course when you have to do it yourself you have to be patient and much disciplined to follow up on those calls and documents the lender might require. But for you that could save you $5K, don’t you think it’s worth it, having a Law Office behind you doesn’t always mean success? My suggestion is for you to try to sell the home and at the same time request for a loan modification, vacation home you can’t afford is not a vacation home. If you sell see how much money you will have saved not having to pay the mortgage on that property, truthfully how often to visit your vacation home? Be frugal, now is not the time to spend carelessly. There was an article about a Law firm that targeted Filipino homeowners in distress and they were soliciting for Loan Modifications. I believe they are knee deep in trouble with the Law and I am curious to see how they get out of this mess.

If you have a Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae loan there is a Making Home Affordable program that you might qualify for, please inquire with us. I have seen rates as low as 2% approved for 5 years from this program.

Please call me for your inquiries; I am waiting to write more success stories than distressed once. So, if you are able to do a work out plan with your lender thru an agent, office or lawyer that you are happy about, send me a message this way we can refer them more people in need of good citizens. Call me at (562) 697-7028 or write to kennethgo

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Emotional Stress of a Short Sale

What a seller is to expect in a Short sale
I started talking about Short Sales about a year ago. The Short Sale transaction can be frustrating for everyone involved. I think most of the frustration comes from expectations not being met. The short sale is not your every day real estate transaction. This is relatively new territory for most real estate agents and definitely a new venture for the seller. This should be one of your last resorts. Talk to your bank. You might be able to renegotiate your mortgage. Again, back to my point banks don’t want to own real estate, they just don’t realize it yet. They are going to fight you tooth and nail to keep the current condition and hope you find a way to pay. A well trained real estate agent in foreclosures and short sales will be able to assist you in this process.
There are a few things that you should be prepared to do before venturing into a short sale transaction. The bank has to qualify you for a short sale. Remember, they are going to ultimately take a loss on this. Therefore, you have to establish a hardship, if they approve, they will pass this short fall onto you as a 1099 at closing. The IRS sees this as income to you and expect you to pay taxes on it. (Tax laws are changing on this regularly, check with your Tax preparer) You might not have to anymore.
Your agent will be needing a copy of a few things from you to help streamline the whole process.
Authorization to talk to you lender(s)
Most recent mortgage statement.
Most recent tax return.
Two most recent pay stubs.
Bank Account Statement(s)
A Hardship letter written in your own words.
The banks will want to see these items in order to consider your request. If there’s a second mortgage, most likely both will have to agree on a settlement before approving the short sale. Remember you agent will do their best to get the approval, but there’s no guarantees that they will accept it. It is not uncommon for one or the other lender to force it to foreclosure. The loss mitigation department sometimes have a mind of their own. They have secret formulas that they use to determine which route is more beneficial to the bank.
Your sellers agent will submit this again with another pile of documents when an offer comes through. It makes it easier on the Loss Mitigation Officer to see everything at one time (again or maybe for the first time) They have hundreds of these request coming across their desk monthly. The more your agent is organized, the quicker the response time to the sale approval. I say quicker with a little tongue and cheek. The approval process could take anywhere from 30-60 days. You don’t need any more delays than that. Especially if the foreclosure process is closing in on you. Buyers and Buyer’s agent need to be aware of this. We’ll talk about their expectations next week.
This is an emotional process, your agent should be able to help keep things in perspective and work through the hiccups of the transaction. Ultimately, you want to get someone who understand your situation, very patient and has your interest.
Watching out for your deficiency waiver and credit are both very important issues that an agent has to address. I just ran a credit on a short sale that I closed, this client had about a 720 Fico prior to the short sale, once we had closed the short sale. Their credit dropped to around 650, and both 1st and second loan showed “Account Settled”, which is what I negotiated for and got. I am very happy with the turn out of this clients credit. However, any foreclosure or short sale they will have to wait three years to be able to get another home loan.
Please call me for your inquires or concern, Call Ken Go (Short Sale Expert) of 1st Innovative Finance Group at (562) 697-7028 or write to: Kennethgo

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Mortgage interest rates for 30 years @ 4.25%

Mortgage rates have been pretty steady the past few months, but recently since the market being so volatile, money was moving from stocks to bonds. The effects of that was the 10 year Treasury bonds dipped below 3% as low as 2.95%. Which has a direct effect on our mortgage rates, now the 30 years mortgage rates dropped to 4.25%, all time low. I have been in the business going on 23 years and i have never seen rates this low. Now, qualifying for these rates is another thing or getting these rates would require for the homeowners to be in a certain credit status and debt to income ratio to qualify.

Here are what is typically a qualified customer for these low rates:

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New California Home Loan Refinancing Options from 1st Innovative

Refinance now at 3.5% 10YR FIXED No Cost!

Purchase down payments as low as 3% on conventional financing, 3.5% for FHA loans.

No points available for purchase loans, guaranteed rates and fees.

Guarantee closing once application is taken.


No Documentation Fees - and No Title Fees. Apply now and refinance with 1ST Innovative Finance Group.

Call for 100% fannie Refi or 105% Freddie Mac refinancing programs.

Non- owner occupied loans with 20% down only.

Loan rates are locked with no charges and again GUARANTEED in writing.

Guarantee smooth sailing all the way to closing.

We encourage rate comparison with other major banks and we will guarantee same day pricing that we can either beat or match any lender out there.

We invite all kinds of inquiry, follow ups during the loan is being process and we love to educate our clients to be smarter shoppers.

Guarantee less than 30 days closing.

Loan amounts up to 1.5 million.

Loan programs :

40 yrs fixed rate mortgages, 20 , 15 or 10 years available.

Arm rates with 3-5-7-10 year initial fixed rates lower to help you thru your first few years of home ownership.

30-Year FixedLow payment that won’t change.Our most popular mortgage.Achieve your financial objectives!Lower Your PaymentTake advantage of low rates.More money in your pocket!No hidden fees or surprises.Buy Your New HomeBest buyer’s market EVER.We’ll guide you every step.Fast pre-approvalPosted byScott Supakat1:31 PM

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